Organization of the Kwantung Army of Japan

Organization of the Kwantung Army of Japan

The following are commanders and units of the Japanese army which was stationed in the Kwantung peninsula of Manchuria from 1910 to 1945.



Officers attached to Kwantung Army HQ

Kwantung Army Railroad Service Commanders

Officers attached to Kwantung Government-General Service

Deputy Chief of Kwantung Army Staff

Chiefs of Kwantung Army Staff

Members of Kwantung Army Staff

Kwantung Army Commanders (regular Army)

Kwantung Army Commander of Engineer Unit

Commander of 1st Special Tank Company in Harbin (1932) and Jehol (1933)

Commander of Yasuoka Task Force (armored group) in Nomonhan Incident (1939)

Commander of 2nd Tank Group (Division) (Manchukuo)

Commander of 1st Tank Brigade and 1st Armored Division

Commander of 1st Garrison Unit of Kwantung Army

Chief of Staff, Kwantung Defense Army

Kwantung Army Commander-in-Chief

Kwantung Army Commander of Port Arthur

Quartermaster-General Kwantung Army

Commander of Kempeitai units, Kwantung Army

Kwantung Army Chief of Manchu Secret Police

Kwantung Army experts in Strike South planning

Commander in Kwantung Special Intelligence Service

Commanders of the Imperial Japanese Army Air Service forces in the Kwantung Army

Air Squadrons of Kwantung Army and Manchukuoan Air Force

Kwantung Army Air units

Combat Units

Training Units (also was operative used in combat)

Manchoukouan Air Units

Chief and Instructors in Kwantung Army Training Schools

Operative units in Kwantung Army Training Schools

Japanese Official Ambassador to Manchukuo

Adviser in Manchukuoan Military Administration Bureau

Officers in Kwantung Frontier Guards detachment

Participants in Changkufeng Incident (1938)

Participants in Nomonhan Incident (1939)

Organization of Manchukuoan Fortresses

Referring to defensive fortifications on the Russian-Manchu frontier line, this organization was led from Hsinking Fortress Command in the Manchoukoan capital, under the command of the Kwantung Army Commander.

The Kwantung Army laid plans for a border defense system in 1934, but construction work did not begin until 1935. During the early period (to 1938), four zones were fortified in East Manchuria, plus three in the north and one in the west.

Kwantung Fortifications

These fortresses were in direct command of the Kwantung Army in the territory; also included Japanese Navy detachments in Dairen and Ryojun naval bases.

Japanese Navy detachments in Kwantung Area

Ryojun Naval Station (Kwantung)

50th Minesweeper Division (Ryojun)

Commanders and members of Unit 731

Commander and members of Unit 100

Others similar units under Japanese Army Command

Operative units in Kwangtung Theatre Army

January 1937 to July 1937:

Direct Reporting Units

3rd Army

4th Army

6th Army

1st Armored Group (Division)

Formed in December 1941 in Poli, Manchuria. Renamed a Division in June 1942.

2nd Armored Group (Division)

Formed in December 1941 in Mutangchiang, Manchuria. Renamed a Division in June 1942.